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Writer's pictureFreddie Bryant

The Book That Changed My Life — Noah St. John “Afformations”: The Power of Words and Questions to Ou

Thank you to the elder that led me to this book. At the time, I was in a super dark place. This man could sense my spirit was battered and needed help getting back up. He kept his conversation simple and directed me right where I needed to be…..even when I couldn’t see it for myself. Ashe´


The Influence of Self-Talk

Our internal dialogue, also known as self-talk, has a direct impact on our beliefs, actions, and outcomes. Often, this self-talk is filled with negative thoughts, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. St. John’s “Afformations” challenges us to reframe our self-talk and replace disempowering statements with empowering questions. By doing so, we shift our focus from dwelling on problems to seeking solutions and possibilities.

The Power of Afformations

Traditional affirmations involve making positive statements about ourselves, such as “I am confident” or “I am successful.” However, these statements can sometimes clash with our existing beliefs, triggering resistance and skepticism. St. John introduces the concept of “Afformations,” which are empowering questions designed to bypass the mind’s resistance and tap into our subconscious mind for transformative results.

The Impact of Positive Questions

The questions we ask ourselves shape our perception of reality and guide our thoughts and actions. Negative or disempowering questions like “Why am I always failing?” or “Why can’t I catch a break?” reinforce negative beliefs and limit our potential. In contrast, positive and empowering questions like “How can I overcome this challenge?” or “What steps can I take to achieve my goals?” redirect our focus towards possibilities and encourage proactive thinking.

Through the power of positive questions, “Afformations” empowers us to reprogram our minds and break free from self-imposed limitations. As we consistently ask ourselves empowering questions, we create a mental framework that promotes growth, resilience, and success.

Transforming Limiting Beliefs

One of the most significant contributions of “Afformations” is its ability to help us identify and overcome limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained thoughts or assumptions that hold us back from reaching our full potential. By incorporating Afformations into our daily lives, we challenge and reframe these beliefs, allowing us to overcome self-imposed barriers and achieve personal and professional success.

Practical Application of Afformations

St. John provides practical strategies for implementing Afformations in our lives. He encourages us to write down empowering questions related to our goals, desires, and challenges and review them consistently. By integrating these questions into our daily routine, such as through visualization exercises or repetition during meditation, we create a positive mental environment that supports our growth and success.

Furthermore, St. John emphasizes the importance of consistency and patience when practicing Afformations. Just as with any new habit, it takes time and repetition to rewire our thought patterns and create lasting change. By committing to the consistent application of Afformations, we gradually replace negative self-talk with positive and empowering questions, leading to a transformational shift in our mindset and outcomes.


In conclusion, Noah St. John’s book, “Afformations,” serves as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation by highlighting the importance of changing our self-talk and harnessing the power of positive questions. By reframing our affirmations into empowering questions, we tap into our subconscious mind, uncovering hidden strengths and possibilities. Through consistent practice, we reprogram our thoughts, challenge limiting beliefs, and unlock our true potential.

“Afformations” offers a practical and accessible approach to personal development, enabling us to overcome self-imposed limitations, achieve our goals, and live a more fulfilling life. By embracing the power of words and questions, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and success. Let us remember that the way we talk to ourselves has the power to shape our reality, and by choosing positive and empowering questions, we can unleash our inherent greatness.

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